Mental Health Hotline Articles
Understanding Emotional Abuse
Abuse of any kind can leave lasting damage, and emotional abuse is one of the most prevalent forms. Tens of millions of men and women in the United States have experienced emotional abuse through parents, an abusive relationship or authority figures. One of the most effective means of preventing emotional
Toxic Trauma Bonding: Recognizing and Breaking Free
When people hear of toxic relationships, they often wonder why the person doesn’t just leave. If someone mistreats you, leaving seems so straightforward. But relationships and love can be much more complex than that. Many stay with an abusive partner because they’ve developed a trauma bond with their abuser. Learn
Compulsive Lying: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
Honesty is a character trait most find important, but some people seem to have trouble telling the truth. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “Why do I lie so much?” or you suspect someone you know might be a compulsive liar, you’re in the right place. What Is a Compulsive
Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
You’ve likely heard of premenstrual syndrome or PMS, but what about premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD? Most menstruating women experience at least some PMS symptoms, but when those issues start to restrict your daily activities and occur every month, you might have a more serious condition. PMDD symptoms are similar
Neurodivergent vs. Neuroatypical: Understanding Unique Mental Health Needs
Have you heard the term “neurodivergent”? It’s often used to describe people with a variety of mental health conditions that change how people interact with the world around them. What is neurodivergent behavior? Hypersensitivity, repetitive behaviors, lack of social understanding and many other signs may indicate someone is neurodivergent, but
Mental Health Care for Expectant Mothers
There’s a lot of knowledge out there on the dangers and risks of postpartum depression, which is excellent because it’s a very real issue. But many people don’t realize that mental health concerns can come up during pregnancy, too. Pregnancy can be challenging on the body, and pregnancy worries for