
Video Game Addiction Hotlines

The proliferation of online gaming has enabled gamers around the world to connect and build digital friendships surrounding common interests. These habits can sometimes resemble gambling addictions or are other forms of compulsive addictions. Gaming can and is a healthy outlet for many people, however, in some cases the relationship people have with gaming can […]

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Domestic Abuse Hotline Options

Every 3 seconds, someone in the United States experiences intimate partner violence. By adulthood, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will have a history that includes at least one episode of severe violence from a partner, according to statistics compiled by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Getting out of abusive relationships

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Warning Signs of Substance Use

Substance Use -Warning Signs

Substance abuse disorder affects people from all walks of life. Around 48.7 million people aged 12 or older had a substance abuse disorder in 2022. Some of those individuals were struggling with addiction to both drugs and alcohol. Knowing the signs of substance abuse can help families identify if a loved one is at risk

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Warning Signs of Depression

Depression Warning Signs

Depression is a common and serious mood disorder that changes how a person thinks and feels. It’s also one that’s often misunderstood. Many people refer to themselves as depressed if they’re feeling down about something, but there are clear diagnostic criteria that must be met for someone to be classified as having depression. In this

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What is the NAMI Helpline?

For those navigating mental health challenges, the NAMI HelpLine is a tool that can provide support and resource referrals to help. Reaching out for assistance when your life feels overwhelming takes courage and can often help you put everything back together so you feel in control again. Although it isn’t meant for serious crisis intervention,

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Dealing with a Narcissist

Dealing with a Narcissist

In the United States, community samples show that 0.5% to 5% of the population has narcissistic personality disorder, but the rates can range from 1% to 15% in clinical settings. Whether you’re dealing with a diagnosed narcissist or you suspect someone has narcissistic tendencies, figuring out how to deal with a narcissist is important for

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