Christian Faith Resources

Providing support often relies on shared experiences. Both the person seeking support and the person offering it must have common ground to create a meaningful foundation for ongoing help. Those who have a deep commitment to the Christian faith often need mental health assistance from people with a similar background. A Christian hotline may provide many of the same services offered by a secular option but with an understanding of faith-based practices that can help.

Having a good support network is critical during any mental health crisis, which is why many Christian crisis hotline counselors may encourage callers to seek support from their local church in addition to medical services from a mental health provider. For many, the Bible is instruction for life and must be included to create meaningful treatment.

Understanding the Needs of the Christian Community

Faith can, and for many people does, inform most decision-making for believers. If you have a strong church background, your first stop for help with mental health may be a church elder. Many mental health care providers share the same religious background, but it’s important to note that not all Christians share the same beliefs. While a Christian suicide hotline may be effective for someone in crisis, it’s important to find appropriate support on a long-term basis that fits with your beliefs and makes statements you find supportive.

Statements like, “Trust in God, and He will see you through,” are ultimately unhelpful to someone of deep faith during a mental health crisis. The subtext is that your lack of trust is the problem, and if only you trusted in God more, your mental health issues would disappear. That’s not a position based in scripture or health care, but it’s a message that’s too often prevalent among those in the Christian community.

Lifeway Research, a Christian organization, has taken a deep dive into how mental illness can, and does, affect Christians.

With nearly one-third of church members dealing with the suicide of a friend or family member, it’s time to make mental health awareness and treatment a part of spiritual growth, right alongside more traditional treatment.

Christian Hotline Resources

When you’re in the midst of a mental health crisis, your church may be a great option, but it’s not open 24/7. When you need a free, 24-hour Christian counseling hotline, check out some of these options to get help now.

Mental Health Hotline

Call the Mental Health Hotline to connect with spiritually informed and empathetic help. Trained counselors offer referrals to local mental health professionals and can help you locate those who provide services from a Christian perspective.

(866) 903-3787

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Dialing 988 can put you in touch with a compassionate counselor who can also help you get the long-term care you need to manage anxiety, depression or another mental illness. While not specifically a Christian service, many of the counselors who participate do have a faith background and can help you connect with the right services.


Christians in Crisis

Call the Christians in Crisis hotline today if you need a listening ear, emotional support or help during a crisis. Trained volunteers and staff counselors combine the benefits of psychotherapy with prayer and may suggest both medical support services and prayer, Bible study or support groups.

(844) 472-9687

In addition to a Christian suicide hotline, there are prayer hotlines available that can help you when you feel overwhelmed or unable to reach out to God for help. Life Outreach International and the 700 Club Prayer Line are just two options out of dozens that organize volunteers who are ready and willing to pray for you or with you in your moments of doubt or depression.

If you or a loved one is struggling with your mental health, call the Mental Health Hotline today. Our compassionate counselors are on hand to help you connect with long-term care providers and local churches for both mental and spiritual guidance.