Mental Health Hotline Articles


Video Game Addiction Hotlines

The proliferation of online gaming has enabled gamers around the world to connect and build digital friendships surrounding common interests. These habits can sometimes resemble gambling addictions or are other forms of compulsive addictions. Gaming can and is a healthy outlet for many people, however, in some cases the relationship

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Rehab Questions

Post Partum Depression Hotline

Pregnancy is physically, mentally and emotionally taxing, no matter how many times you give birth. Every experience is unique, and sometimes, the endorphin rush of having a new baby is complicated by postpartum depression (PPD). Sleep deprivation and hormone changes can leave you feeling very low and anxious or cause

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Grief and Loss Hotline Resources

Grief and Loss Hotlines

Around 3.3 million people die in the United States each year. Bereavement is an unfortunate part of life and something we’re more likely to experience as those around us get older. Grief can present itself in many different ways, and there’s no right or wrong way to process it. If

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Domestic Abuse Hotline Options

Every 3 seconds, someone in the United States experiences intimate partner violence. By adulthood, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will have a history that includes at least one episode of severe violence from a partner, according to statistics compiled by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

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How to control mood swings

How to Control Mood Swings

Do you suffer from uncontrollable mood swings? If so, you’re not alone. According to a national study, more than 57 million people suffer from some type of mental health disorder, with mood swings being a common symptom. For some people, these mood fluctuations can make them feel like they’re on

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Is Teletherapy Help Immediately Available?

Mental health counseling and therapy can be a lifeline for people who are struggling with stress, depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, waiting lists for face-to-face therapy sessions are often long. In addition, many people who need mental health therapy find it difficult to attend in-person sessions. In the last couple of

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