
What is Brainspotting Therapy?

Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting therapy is an emerging somatic technique created to aid the processing of traumatic memories, but it can treat other mental health conditions as well. Developed in 2003 by psychotherapist Dr. David Grand, brainspotting connects your visual field with the specific part of your brain holding negative emotions. While novel, this type of therapy is […]

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Understanding Narcissism

Understanding Narcissism

Narcissism comes in many shapes and forms, with many narcissists camouflaging limited self-esteem with the belief they’re unique, gifted and entitled to praise. As many as 6% of people in the United States are affected by narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Understanding this disorder can help you identify narcissists in your life. If you have someone

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Premarital Counseling

About Premarital Counseling - Is it right for you?

Divorce rates have been slowly declining in the last few decades. In 2020 and 2021, divorce rates reached a 40-year low, with only 14 divorces per 1,000 married women. In the United States, divorce rates have been steadily declining since 2008 (with a minor uptick in 2022). However, these rates are still high enough that

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Can PTSD be Cured

Can you cure PTSD?

Approximately 6 out of every 100 people in the United States will have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point in their lives. The condition is a lot more prevalent than many realize. And while there are varying severity levels to PTSD, it’s a mental health condition that can have negative impacts if left untreated.

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Warning Signs of Trauma

Trauma - What are the warning signs

Trauma is something many people are living with, and it can be brought on by a variety of events, from abuse or assault to car accidents or natural disasters. The signs of trauma can sometimes be subtle, especially if a person has unconsciously built coping mechanisms to conceal what they’re feeling. If it’s left unprocessed,

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Warning Signs of Anxiety

Warning Signs of Anxiety

Are there moments when your heart starts racing, your stomach churns and you feel an impending sense of dread but aren’t sure why? If so, you may be experiencing anxiety symptoms. Anxiety feels unpleasant and can cause physical and psychological symptoms, making it difficult to concentrate, socialize, partake in enjoyable activities or even leave the

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Warning Signs of Substance Use

Substance Use -Warning Signs

Substance abuse disorder affects people from all walks of life. Around 48.7 million people aged 12 or older had a substance abuse disorder in 2022. Some of those individuals were struggling with addiction to both drugs and alcohol. Knowing the signs of substance abuse can help families identify if a loved one is at risk

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Warning Signs of Depression

Depression Warning Signs

Depression is a common and serious mood disorder that changes how a person thinks and feels. It’s also one that’s often misunderstood. Many people refer to themselves as depressed if they’re feeling down about something, but there are clear diagnostic criteria that must be met for someone to be classified as having depression. In this

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What is the NAMI Helpline?

For those navigating mental health challenges, the NAMI HelpLine is a tool that can provide support and resource referrals to help. Reaching out for assistance when your life feels overwhelming takes courage and can often help you put everything back together so you feel in control again. Although it isn’t meant for serious crisis intervention,

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