Vitamin for Anxiety

Can Vitamin Supplements Help with Anxiety?

Ever since childhood, you were probably told the importance of taking vitamins. Everyone should focus on eating a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals. However, between busy schedules and increasing food prices, that’s not always possible. Vitamins can help fill the nutrient gap we don’t get from our food to keep our bodies healthy. But have you ever wondered if vitamins can be just as helpful for the mind? Let’s take a look at some specific cases, such as how B12 helps with anxiety.

Exploring the Connection Between Vitamins and Anxiety

Vitamins for anxiety might sound like a strange concept, but it makes a lot of sense when you hear the explanation. Specifically, vitamins help our brains function and play a role in memory, concentration and emotional processing.

Your body needs to be properly fueled and maintained to function well. Conversely, if your body lacks the essential vitamins it needs to feel good, you won’t feel good. And not feeling well physically often takes a toll on our mental health as well.

A lot of research has been done exploring the connection between vitamins and anxiety, and the conclusion is clear: Some vitamins can help with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Key Vitamins and Minerals Linked to Anxiety Management

So, what vitamins help with anxiety? Here’s a list of the most common ones.

Does B12 Help With Anxiety?

Vitamin B for anxiety is a studied and verified anxiety management approach:

  • Vitamin B12 aids in a person’s nerve functions. As a result, someone with a vitamin B12 deficiency is more at risk of feeling the physical symptoms of anxiety (high heart rate, sweating, restlessness, etc.).
  • Vitamin B6 promotes brain function and is vital to a person’s serotonin levels.

A 2022 study found that when participants supplemented their diet with a high dose of vitamin B6 for 1 month, they self-reported reduced anxiety. Vitamin B12 also slightly improved anxiety symptoms but not as significantly as the B6 results. Ultimately, individuals struggling with anxiety can likely benefit from taking both B6 and B12.

Does Vitamin D Help With Anxiety?

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Most of us don’t get enough vitamin D from our diet. And depending on where you live, you may not be exposed to very much vitamin D outside in the winter months. So, supplementing with vitamin D is crucial for your overall health.

One randomized study found that the administration of vitamin D for 6 months helped improve anxiety symptoms. The study concluded that those with mood disorders should be screened for a vitamin D deficiency and prescribed the appropriate dose to get their levels back up.

Does Vitamin C Help With Anxiety?

Studies have shown that if someone is vitamin C deficient, increasing their vitamin C intake can help manage and reduce anxiety symptoms. Vitamin C has many benefits and can play a role in mood regulation. People low in vitamin C can feel tired and depressed, which can also spike anxious feelings if you’re prone to anxiety.

Potential Limitations of Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins are a great way to supplement your diet to ensure you’re not missing any essential nutrients. However, they should not be seen as an adequate solution for mental health problems. Vitamin pills are called “supplements” for a reason — they supplement additional efforts.

Anxiety is common; it impacts more than 6 million American adults, and yet less than half seek treatment for their condition. If you’re struggling with any anxiety (general anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, etc.), you need to speak to a mental health professional. Your therapist can diagnose you and work with you on a treatment plan that includes understanding what triggers your condition, learning coping mechanisms and exploring if prescription drugs can help.

While you’re working on your treatment plan, you can opt to add vitamins to your daily routine to give yourself an additional boost. These vitamins can help slightly, but you can’t count on them to “cure” you of your anxiety without taking further steps. Ideally, you can discuss with your therapist your plan to incorporate specific vitamin supplements to help reduce anxiety symptoms. They’ll be able to offer professional insight into this approach.

The good news is that anxiety is very treatable, but it’ll take some effort. You’ll have to go beyond taking some vitamins every morning. When you put in the work with a counselor, you’ll see that your condition can improve and you can get back to feeling normal.

Get Help for Your Anxiety at Mental Health Hotline

Anxiety can be all-encompassing and overwhelming, but you should know it’s not something you have to live with. The sooner you get help, the sooner you’ll return to feeling like your old self. Mental Health Hotline partners with reputable mental health care providers nationwide. Our staff is on standby 24 hours a day.