About Zyn Addiction

Zyn Addiction and Abuse

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 2.1% of American adults — more than 5 million people — reported using smokeless nicotine options in 2021. Smokeless nicotine delivery systems such as Zyn pouches have become increasingly popular in recent years, partly due to the public’s growing awareness of the health dangers associated with smoking.

But is zynning really safer? Find out more about Zyn use below, including whether it can be addictive and how you can get help quitting nicotine altogether.

What Is Zyn?

Zyn pouches are small rectangles containing powdered nicotine designed to go between the lip and gum line. You stash the pouch in that location in your mouth — this is known as parking. Then, your saliva works to dissolve the powdered nicotine, which is absorbed into the lining of your mouth. From there, it passes into your bloodstream and provides the same effects you’d get from taking in nicotine in other ways.

These pouches have been marketed as a safer way to use nicotine compared to smoking. While these smokeless nicotine alternatives cut down on the risks associated with taking smoke into the lungs, there are no long-term studies available to demonstrate the potential health impacts of using Zyn pouches.

Can Zynning Lead to Addiction?

Yes, using these products can lead to someone becoming physically and/or psychologically addicted to nicotine. Nicotine causes changes in your brain just like other drugs, although the impact and high aren’t as strong or long-lasting as the effects produced with some illicit drugs.

However, the way nicotine works on your brain causes your body to begin considering having nicotine in your system as normal. When you don’t meet that “normal” by using nicotine, your body can react as if something is wrong, which is what leads to withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, mood swings and anger, anxiety, problems with concentration and issues with sleep.

Using Zyn pouches can actually increase your risk of addiction to nicotine because it can put larger amounts of nicotine in your system than other delivery methods. This can result in your body becoming used to increased amounts of the substance, driving you to use Zyn more often or buy stronger pouches to meet your body’s growing demand for nicotine. The more you use Zyn pouches, the harder it can be to quit.

Potential Health Impacts of Zyn Abuse

Overuse of Zyn can lead to all the same health risks and complications as the overuse of other forms of nicotine. The potential negative health impacts of Zyn abuse include:

  • Erectile dysfunction. Zyn use may be a contributing factor in ED, as studies show a correlation between nicotine use and a lack of erectile response.
  • Oral health issues. Prolonged use of Zyn pouches may lead to gum disease or damage to the gums or mouth lining.
  • Anxiety or depression. Because nicotine impacts how the brain functions, prolonged use can have long-term negative impacts on your mental health, potentially increasing your risk of developing anxiety, depression and other disorders.
  • Increased blood pressure. Having nicotine in your system can cause increased blood pressure. Prolonged use or abuse of Zyn or other products that put large quantities of nicotine into your system can even lead to serious cardiovascular problems.

Signs of Zyn-Related Nicotine Dependency

One sign you may be dealing with nicotine or Zyn addiction is if you can’t stop using the pouches even when you have good reasons to quit. For example, if you know your Zyn use is negatively impacting your finances but decide to buy the pouches rather than pay a utility bill or pay down other debt, you may be physically dependent.

Other signs of nicotine dependency may include:

  • Intense cravings for Zyn or other nicotine products
  • Problems sleeping or having bad dreams when you sleep, especially if you try to quit
  • Dry mouth or a productive cough with a sore throat when you attempt to stop using Zyn
  • Irritability and moodiness when you try to quit using nicotine
  • Cognitive challenges associated with stopping nicotine use, such as problems with focus or memory

These are all examples of withdrawal symptoms, which can occur if you stop using nicotine suddenly. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms is why many people struggle to quit using nicotine even if they’re experiencing negative side effects.

How Can You Quit Zyn?

If you’re zynning daily, it can be difficult to pump the brakes on this type of nicotine use. However, it’s not impossible, and with the right tools and support, you can quit. Start by letting people you trust and who care about you know you want to quit. This provides some accountability and a support system to help you follow through on your goals.

Next, identify what types of things might trigger Zyn or nicotine use. Do you normally use when you’re with certain friends or involved in particular activities? Does zynning help you deal with stress? The answers to these types of questions can help you avoid certain triggers and work on developing healthier coping mechanisms to deal with other triggers as you seek to stop using Zyn.

Reach Out for Professional Help

Professional counseling and other support can also help if you’re struggling to stop using nicotine on your own or dealing with mental health issues related to Zyn abuse or quitting. To connect with support services and addiction treatment options in your area, contact the Mental Health Hotline today.