Mental Health Hotline

What is Conflict Resolution Therapy

Conflict Resolution - What is Resolution

If you struggle with conflict management and resolving disputes in your relationships, you’re not alone. Research cited by the National Library of Medicine shows that the stresses of daily life create a complex web of connections between partners, where personal challenges naturally flow into relationship dynamics. Everything from work pressures and health concerns to financial

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Recognizing Projection as a Defense Mechanism

Recognizing Projection as a Defense Mechanism

Developed over 100 years ago, the concept of defense mechanisms is one of Sigmund Freud’s most useful psychoanalytical theories. He suggested that people use defense mechanisms — repression, projection, regression and reaction formation — to protect themselves from uncomfortable feelings, such as guilt, shame and anxiety. While psychologists have since expanded on Freud’s list of

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Conflict Resolution Therapies

Conflict Resolution Therapies

Conflict between individuals is a normal part of life. While most people don’t find it too difficult to talk through differences and reach common ground, those struggling with mental health or a substance abuse disorder may not be able to reach an agreement on their own. This is where conflict resolution techniques can help. With

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The Impact of Toxic Relationships on Your Mental Health

How toxic relationships impact your mental health

If you experience heightened feelings of anxiety or stress around a certain loved one, you may be in a toxic relationship. A toxic relationship is any relationship affecting your mental health, self-esteem or overall well-being, whether it’s with a family member, a friend or a romantic partner. These relationships can be emotionally draining, and they

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