Understanding Narcissism

Understanding Narcissism

Narcissism comes in many shapes and forms, with many narcissists camouflaging limited self-esteem with the belief they’re unique, gifted and entitled to praise. As many as 6% of people in the United States are affected by narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Understanding this disorder can help you identify narcissists in your life.

If you have someone with NPD in your life, it’s essential to learn the common narcissistic traits and behaviors to watch for. You can counter the effects of these behaviors by learning effective coping mechanisms and setting boundaries.

Read on to learn more about narcissistic behavior and the ways you can support people with NPD in your life.

What Does Narcissist Mean?

Narcissists are self-centered individuals who disregard the feelings of others with their thoughts, words and actions. It’s common for someone affected by NPD to ignore others’ emotional needs in favor of focusing on themselves.

The challenge in understanding narcissism is the moments when a narcissist expresses feelings of love or loyalty toward others. When explaining narcissist behavior, it’s difficult to discern what’s true and what’s part of their grander scheme to manipulate.

The challenge grows worse with covert narcissism. These individuals are more adept at hiding their narcissistic behaviors from others.

Traits of Narcissism

Many narcissists are adept at using gifts and flattery to win others over. Spotting them is challenging because their behavior is designed to cause others to overlook their manipulation due to the compliments and affection.

Narcissists commonly struggle to take accountability for their actions, regardless of the emotional damage caused. Criticism is another struggle for someone affected by NPD.

You may have a narcissist in your life if they’re critical of others but guilty of conducting themselves in the same way. It’s also possible to explain narcissist behavior by pointing out their obliviousness to the effects their words and actions have.

Types of Narcissistic Behavior

If you’re attempting to understand narcissism, it’s best to start with learning about narcissistic behavior. Those affected by NPD follow patterns, and you can identify these patterns by learning about each.

  • Inability to empathize with others. A narcissist is happy to place themselves on a pedestal while ignoring the emotional needs of others.
  • Low self-esteem. This common trait of a narcissist can result in the individual lashing out at others when feeling embarrassed or vulnerable.
  • Self-obsession. Many narcissists are hyper-focused on gaining power and wealth, having control over others or attaining physical beauty.

Effects of Narcissism on Relationships

It’s natural to feel frustrated when working or communicating with someone affected by NPD. They can create confusion through mixed signals and guilt by convincing others they’re at fault for the narcissist’s problems.

Anger is another emotion caused by interacting with a narcissist. Many narcissists are insensitive to the wellness and happiness of others. Learning coping mechanisms is the best way to protect yourself.

Coping Strategies for Understanding Narcissism

The best coping strategy to use when understanding narcissism is self-education. Learning more about what causes narcissistic behavior helps you see through the facade and protect your mental health and happiness.

Boosting self-esteem is another effective coping strategy because it minimizes the damage caused by the actions and words of someone affected by NPD. Use positive self-talk and self-care to enhance your self-worth. It’s an effective way to create healthy boundaries.

Boundaries are essential if you have a narcissist in your life. It’s best not to expect to change someone with NPD and instead focus on setting healthy boundaries to maintain your mental health. Enforcing the boundaries is far more effective than making idle threats.

Many people affected by NPD require support and therapy. Keep that in mind when you feel angered or frustrated with a narcissist. Understanding what they’re doing and attempting to achieve can help you maintain control of your emotions and the boundaries you’ve set.

Support for Someone With NPD

One of the challenges of supporting someone with NPD is helping them realize something may be wrong. It’s common for narcissists to seek treatment for other afflictions, including depression, addiction or anxiety.

If a narcissist in your life shows an inclination to seek therapy, support them on that journey. It’s a step toward seeking help and understanding that can benefit their health and wellness.

Seeking Therapy and Support

If you’ve come here with the hope of understanding narcissism, you’re in the perfect place. Mental Health Hotline works with trained and reputable mental health professionals to provide support and encouragement. Contact us today — we’re here for you 24 hours a day.