Behavior Disorders

What is a Covert Narcissist

What is a Covert Narcissist

Think all narcissists are loud, boastful and easy to spot? Think again. You or someone you love could be a covert narcissist, making it harder to detect. These types of narcissists may seem kind, supportive and quiet in public, but how they view themselves and others privately is quite different. They show basic narcissistic signs, […]

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Understanding Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

PMSDD - What is it

You’ve likely heard of premenstrual syndrome or PMS, but what about premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD? Most menstruating women experience at least some PMS symptoms, but when those issues start to restrict your daily activities and occur every month, you might have a more serious condition. PMDD symptoms are similar to PMS, but they’re substantially

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Neurodivergent vs. Neuroatypical: Understanding Unique Mental Health Needs

Neurodivergent vs Neuroatypical what is the difference

Have you heard the term “neurodivergent”? It’s often used to describe people with a variety of mental health conditions that change how people interact with the world around them. What is neurodivergent behavior? Hypersensitivity, repetitive behaviors, lack of social understanding and many other signs may indicate someone is neurodivergent, but how does that differ from

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What is MHA National Hotline

What is MHA National Hotline

Over 1 in 4 Americans suffer from some type of diagnosable mental disorder each year. That’s around 25% of the population of the United States that could potentially benefit from mental health support and resources, both in times of crisis and in the months and years that follow. Mental Health America (MHA) is one organization

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