Teletherapy for Couples Counseling

Couples counseling can be an effective way for a couple to use an experienced, impartial third party to help navigate new challenges for the betterment of the relationship. However, finding the time for the sessions is a problem for the modern, busy couple. If you’re considering couples counseling but think you’re too busy to make the time, marriage therapy online might be the answer.

What Is Marriage Therapy Online?

Marriage therapy online, or virtual couples counseling, is when a couple participates in sessions with a therapist to get help dealing with relationship problems and becoming a stronger couple. These sessions are done virtually through teletherapy, which involves video or phone sessions.

Why Couples Counseling Is Beneficial

Couples therapy has several benefits, including:

  • Learning and improving communication skills
  • Having a safe space to discuss difficult topics
  • Building empathy and understanding for your partner
  • Having impartial support when resolving conflicts
  • Learning to deal with the intricacies of your relationship in a healthy, supportive way

The Benefits of Teletherapy for Couples Counseling

Thanks to technological advancements, teletherapy is now a popular choice among both clinicians and patients. The percentage of therapists offering teletherapy to at least some of their patients grew from 33% in 2020 to 50% in 2021.

Here are some reasons couples might choose teletherapy.

1. Convenience

The most obvious benefit is the convenience and accessibility of teletherapy. For many adults, busy schedules make it incredibly hard to carve out time during the week to visit a therapist’s office for an hourlong session. Now imagine trying to coordinate two people’s schedules. The difficulty of this alone may cause a couple to delay getting help or result in them canceling more sessions than they actually attend.

Virtual sessions allow couples to have the session at a time that’s convenient for them without having to drive anywhere.

2. Accessibility

If you don’t like the couples counselors in your nearby neighborhoods, teletherapy will enable you to explore beyond geographic limitations. This is especially important for those seeking a therapist specializing in specific topics — for example, if the couple is trying to navigate how to cope with one person in the relationship having bipolar disorder. There may not be many experts in the area, and teletherapy allows the couple to branch out further to find the right person.

3. Comfort

If one or both people in the relationship have never tried therapy, jumping into in-person counseling sessions can feel intimidating. Virtual therapy sessions can be done from the comfort of your own home, so it feels more relaxing to try something new.

4. Equally Valuable as In-Person Sessions

Some may worry teletherapy is less effective than completing in-person sessions. However, this simply isn’t the case. Teletherapy has been around for many years, and the counselors who offer this service are experts in understanding their clients, even through a screen.

Your therapist might guide you through some actions to make the sessions as valuable as possible, such as:

  • Taking sessions in a private space
  • Having a solid internet connection
  • Sitting close to the screen so all parties can easily see each other

When it comes to teletherapy for individual sessions, phone calls are often acceptable. However, virtual platforms are recommended for couples sessions to help with effective dialogue.

5. Communication and Conflict Resolution

The ultimate goal of couples counseling is to help both partners improve their communication and conflict-resolution skills. The therapist is there to help the couple achieve relationship growth and healing through remote sessions.

In most cases, teletherapy can effectively achieve this goal. If you have the right therapist and both partners are honest and engaged in the sessions, the outcomes should be no different than from in-person sessions.

Teletherapy should feel impactful while also being a convenient choice. But it does take participation from both partners to work. The couple must believe in the process and put in effort to make the sessions worthwhile. If one of the partners isn’t impressed with the teletherapy process, it might be time to try another therapist or an in-person session.

Mental Health Hotline Is Your Online Marriage Counseling Hotline

There’s no downside to trying teletherapy for your couples counseling needs. You can get the help of a professional expert from the convenience and comfort of your home. Mental Health Hotline partners with reputable mental health care providers nationwide, so you can find the right couples counselor for you. Call now to get started.